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Sunday, May 10, 2015


Would like to share an explanation given by a friend of mine who is a director of THP Board.

"I did not comment bcos of I'm on holiday & do not want to spoil it by having to reply whats apps back & forth.Lagi pun I tgk byk sgt suspicion I rasa apa I kata it will not make much difference.

What I can say as a THP director and a long time friend of most of you is that to the best of my knowledge there is no bail out intention in purchasing the apartment land parcel at TRX.Thp dah mula evaluate tanah ni sebelum I masuk lagi dan seblm Jho Low fiesco sb thp want to be a part of & profit fr 1 of Msia's most prestigious devt.We evaluated 2 parcels and opt out of Signature Tower bcos it is too big of investment & we cannot ensure that it can be shariah compliance.

We negotiated the price and managed to get it below market.Why not RM60 or so as paid by 1mdb to the govt.That is raw land awarded by govt to their prefered party.What TH paid for is converted land with title,planning approval & infra.Relatively cheap in comparison to similar transacted recently golden triangle lands eg

MRCB membeli tanah kedutaan German yang berdekatan kawasan TRX pada harga RM3188 Psf. (B) Tanah kedutaan perancis dinilai pada RM3190 psf. (C) tanah untuk membina hotel Four Seasons di antara KLCC dan wisma Sentral dibeli pada harga RM3,300 psf. (D) sebidang tanah di jalan conlay berdepan bangunan Seri Melayu dibeli pada harga RM3,299 psf.

Dulu Dr Mahathir bg tanah pada harga murah kepada Ananda & sell a block to Petronas at market price.Similarly UEM dpt tanah keliling Bkt Jalil & Stadium Merdeka(tetapi financial crisis Danaharta takeover Merdeka Stafium & Pnb ambil aleh).Tanah Pekeliling flats given murah2 pada org Pak Lah sampai skrg tak blh take off.Dtg terhegeh minta TH bail out kita tolak.Blm buat apa2 dia dah belanja rm350j.This time TRX land & Sg Besi airport land bg pada 1mdb.It was under Msia's Economic Transformation Programme.I personally think it is a good idea until it was hijacked by Jho Low & kuncu2nya.Itu Najib kena jwb nothing to do with us at THP

I pun selalu tanya pasal apa govt tak blh alienate terus tanah pada TH.Buat berpuluh proposals I tgk dlm rekod TH dari zaman Mahathir PakLah & even now utk alienate govt lands be it federal or states(bn/pr) tapi tak dpt kerana kita tak blh bawa brief case pada govt servants or politicians kerana kita TH.Selalu kita kena beli market rate.Dlm atau luar negara.Alhamdulillah due to hardwork and professionalism

Among current THP employees & directors we hv done well.While at the same time cuci taik2 yg dibuat oleh predecessors kita.Glomax Tower sb boss THP dulu sign agreement bodoh bangunan takdak service ducting.Kita kena retrofit.

We contribute to the 6-8% that u hv been enjoying.Funny nobody complaint masa dpt devident hari tu.

TH ada dana pendeposit sebanyak RM56bilion. Tahun lepas dividen yang diberi 8.25%. Nilai dividen tahun lepas yang diberi kepada pendeposit ialah RM3.25billion.

(8) Dividen sejak 2009 ialah seperti berikut. 2009 (dividen 5%, nilai RM1.1b), 2010 (5.5%, RM1.3b), 2011 (6%, RM1.7b), 2012 (8%,RM2.5b), 2013 (8%, RM2.6b), 2014 (8.25%, RM3.25b)

Maknanya Kalau angka untuk tahun 2014 dikekalkan tahun ini, TH kena cari keuntungan sekurang kurangnya RM3.5 bil setahun iaitu RM3.25b untuk dividen dan RM150juta untuk subsidikan kos naik haji. Ini tak masuk kos operasi TH.Nak invest di Arab Saudi, D Ridza blh confirm depa penipu besaq. Nak invest overseas Treasury restrict

We hv to keep working hard to generate income for TH to achieve the above.For your infor we only get rm500 per board seating.Now I'm evaluating a devt project for THP Near Hammersmith Bridge London.I'm not even paid.Lillahitaala!

Even when we come here for meeting later we'll only be paid rm500 not £.

So you can withdraw your money if you wish.But I'm putting in more of my hard earned lifetime saving into the only organisation that give me assurance that it invest only in Halal investments and pays zakat upfront.Asb,epf,esp banks do not.

Now you have spoilt my holidays."

copy paste dari WhatsApp Group


Anonymous said...

Demi ALLAH I do trust in your explanation. Used to be a corporate man myself I fully understand your explanation. Regretfully our own malays preferred the juicy spin news manipulated by others with interest. Unfortunately now anything related to 1MDB is deemed evil transaction. Semoga ALLAH terus lindungi TH dan kumpulan dan membantu kearah kebenaran dan kejayaan demi ummah Islam Malaysia.

Anonymous said...

Investment yg betul tapi masa tak tepat

Anonymous said...

You are fucking awesome bro...

Anonymous said...

spoilt your holiday? what an ass. you worked for TH that means you are the investors (read org miskin kat kampung yg letak duit nak pegi haji ). you should be running amok try to explain the fiasco, not go to holiday. your contribution of 6% or whatever hell percent is YOUR JOB. if you think that is good enough, well think again. poorah punya explaination. now , you spoil my weekend.

wan jamak said...

jangan sedih tuan pengarah... orang kita memang macam tu.. bodoh2 belaka... patutnya buat tak tau aje... lama2 lupalah... orang melayu ni kan mudah lupa...

Anonymous said...

Ikhlas sangat lah. Berapa gaji Pengarah TH?

Anonymous said...

Bodoh. 1MDB mempunyai authority yang berlainan dengan kerajaan. Kabinet hilang kuasa dalam 1MDB berbanding dengan kerajaan. 1MDB mempunyai kuasa tersendiri yang mana ramai yang telah membuat keputusan untuk kepentingan peribadi. Hasilnya 1MDB penuh dengan hutang yang tak sepatutnya timbul. Apabila mereka mengambil tanah kerajaan, sama seperti mereka meminta kerajaan membuat bail-out apabila mereka menjual tanah tersebut.

Ted Manoff said...

Adoi...Mamak Kutty lantik Ananda proxy Dia. Pak Lah terhegeh2 minta bailout..Now? Treng Teng Teng! Apa pun nama Soros Malaysia safe...tak timbui

Anonymous said...

The edge and the gang sudah boleh ketawa.

Anonymous said...

I undestand d situation but d not d rakyat. When gven task to hve more income buat yg tbaik. Tapi bila di kutuk bagai mmg rasa tk dhargai segala usaha utk kebaikan syarikat. Yes when it come to mjahanamkan sesuatu usaha yh baik bgi kat melayu. Berdoa je kod nye org yg suka fitnah lambat laut akan dbalas olehnye kerna balasan dri DIA yg mha bkuasa lgi la berat.

Anonymous said...

Kdg2 gaji tu kedua tpi untuk spai target tu la susah. Kalau tk sampai target well u will b next to leave. Stressful tpi org tk npk .

Anonymous said...

Ini contoh melayu mangkuk...apa masalah you bro

Anonymous said...

I don't know that you are goon. Good explanation had been given.

Labu8455 said...

Kepada "wan jamak" - tolonglah jangan nak buat semak dan kepada pembodek pembodek Najib seterusnya kalau rasa masih nak terus cover lubang taik Najib dengan cerita cerita hikayat 1001 malam, baik tak payahlah pasal rata rata orang ramai dah jemu dengan "cover" "cover" camni sampai ada yang dah rasa loya loya dan muntah kerana asyik tercium bau yang semakin membusuk.

Anonymous said...

Selagi ada institiusi melayu mesti perang hingga melayu ini berantakan yg akhirnya akan melemahkan bangsa melayu itu sendiri.
Cuma dgn jln itu kita boleh menjajah negara ini.

TandeTandeTandeket said...

Org kerja baik dorg kata rasuah..ingat senang ke nak jadi pengarah..cuba jadi pengarah TH kalau boleh..itu pun kalau layak sgt sbb kadang2 jadi kuli pun kerja byk suka tangguh2..kadang2 org kita cerita macam tau semua tapi pinjaman PTPTN tertunggak..nak kelar negara kena senarai hitam ibarat ayam berkokok tapi tahi penuh di ekor..came on dah dekat 57 merdeka dan nak jadi negara maju masih tak faham makna cara pengurusan ekonomi..masih lagi suka sandiwara politican yg naik elaun sampai 297% dan suka telan duit mind see what u made off

Anonymous said...

What a great feeling now that you have the issue off your chest. Of course, everybody else is wrong in this fucked-up world. Everyone else is an ass and brain-dead, with you the exception, of course.
The world revolves atound you, right? Oh, what a great feeling!!

Anonymous said...

I do understand your predicament bro. But my question to you, have you questioned your boss's decision? I don't think so. Why I know the answer? Coz you still there in your place. Still proudly defending your position. Bro, remember... you working in Islamic investment institution. Not a normal commercial bank or finance house. What you do will be questioned in akhirat.. May Allah bless you bro...
By the way, you must be a Tuan Hj by the way of your huu...

Unknown said...

Explanation ape ni...?? Tuan Pengarah, rakyat terutama kaum melayu skrg ni bukan pertikaikan investment itu....tetapi CARA urusniaga dilaksanakan. Diwaktu dunia sedang perhatikan isu 1MDB yg dalam siasatan audit, adakah logik dalam pemikiran mana2 Pengarah syarikat perniagaan yg mempunyai akal waras untuk menjalankan urusniaga dgn pihak yg sedang bermasalah dan lebih2 lagi sedang dalam SIASATAN RAKYAT?? Dari mata rakyat marhaen, apa yg dapat diperhatikan adalah unsur bersubahat antara TH dgn 1MDB. Dari explanation diatas, terbit persoalan....kenapa SEKARANG baru nak beli?? Klu ini dirasakan perkara baik untuk investment pencarum TH, kenapa secara urusniaga ini dilaksanakan secara SENYAP...?? Unless kalau ini adalah satu tindakan yg disebabkan 'wahyu' dari atas...yg suka ditakrifkan sebagai 'nasihat'.....which give Board of Directors no other options...

Now, can u see what is the issue?? People know it is right to invest, but they also know there is something wrong about how it is being done and it
bring confusion....period...!!

Secara ringkas....penyataan ini bukan satu pencerahan....tetapi lebih kepada satu alasan....

Anonymous said...

Teruknya bahasa lnggeris rojak dia.......

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